What is Progressive Enhancement, and why it matters

Progressive enhancement is a web design that emphasives core web page content and progressively adds more details as the user's browser/Internet connection allows. It is needed so everyone has access to the basic content and functionality of a web page, regardless of the browser or Internet connection, while providing a more advanced/detailed version to those whose browser/Internet allow. The website has 43 validation problems with 5 being errors and the other 38 being warnings. I would give the website's design a 8 because it clearly labels everything and uses a variety of techniques to help the user understand what they are talking about and the main points. They use headings, bullet points, underlining, italics, bolding, and separated paragraphs so it isn't all one giant paragraph. There is however a lot of white space to the sides of the content when in full-screen mode. I would give the website's usability a 7 because there are few things to use. These things include links to a donation page, a forum button, a search bar, and links to trending topics. The forum button is helpful as you can go there to ask questions and the search bar allows you to find what you are looking for, but there is not a list of what the website has to offer so if you don't know what you're looking for, it can be hard to find. I think the site meets it purpose as it says explicitly at the top that the page is about progressive enhancement and why it matters and then clearlys defines what it is, uses of it, why it is important, and examples of it.