James' Vacation Activities

Wind Surfing

Windsurfing is a form of sailing. You stand on a board, holding a sail and are powered across the water by the wind. You steer by adjusting the position of the sail and moving your feet.

Scuba Diving

Scuba diving allows you to move freely underwater and makes you feel you are part of the marine life. You hardly have to deal with gravity and that makes you feel like you're weightless and flying.


Hiking is a wonderful activity on vacation! It’s really great to find a trail and just take a long walk, exploring along the way. Going for a hike can really just be going on a leisurely stroll on a trail through a scenic place. There are nice hiking trails in parks and in open areas near lakes and rivers where you can just pull off and go explore for a couple hours. Hiking is a lovely way to breathe in some fresh air, relax and enjoy your surroundings.

Helicopter Tour

Helicopter tours might not be the most common thing to do but, they are the most exciting thing to do. You are able to see the landscape in a way you’ve never seen before. The scenery is breathtaking. The take off is much quicker than in an air plane and the best way to describe the ride is smooth. Almost all helicopters are open cabin with a 180 degree view.

Local Festival

Festivals and celebrations bring together people from all around the world to share good time. Festivals are great way to experience local culture. Sometime they even offer a glimpse into past. There are hundreds of festivals across the world, all unique in their own way.


Museums are a great way to learn about the past and the country you are visiting when traveling abroad. You get to enjoy the art and culture of the place. They can provide a unique perspective on life and other things.


Biking is a fun way to see the town, nature, and landscape. It doesn't require fuel and is a lot smaller than a car.You can ride a bike on a road, bike path, mountain trail, or rough terrain.